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    What does WUCWO mean to me?

WUCWO's aim is to promote the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in society and the Church, in order to enable them to fulfil their mission of evangelisation and to work for human development.

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KDFB Online Conversations: For Women's Right to Peace – Peace Activists in Bolivia

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KDFB is organising on April 9 at 7:00 PM (Uhr) on Zoom: Peace through Women's Rights – Peace Activists in Bolivia


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Meeting of Italian WUCWO member organisations

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The WUCWO member organisations in Italy visited the General Secretariat, where they had the opportunity to meet the President General, Mónica Santamarina, and the Secretary General, Lavinia Rocchi, and to spend some time together.

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Angelika Ritter-Grepl: "Implement the synod resolutions on women without delay"

November 2024 Visit Sister Nathalie Becquart Austria KFB

From left to right: Doris Schmidauer, Lucia Greiner, Sr. Nathalie Becquart and Angelika Ritter-Grepl (Photo: ÖPK)

‘Synodality in the Catholic Church has only just begun, we must do our utmost to implement the resolutions of the World Synod,’ emphasises Angelika Ritter-Grepl, Chairwoman of the Catholic Women's Movement Austria (KFBÖ), following a conversation with Sr Nathalie Becquart, Undersecretary of the Vatican General Secretariat of the World Synod of Bishops. ‘The Synod Secretariat is entrusted with the accompaniment of the reception phase in the local churches called to implement synodality in dioceses as in a note published by Pope Francis stated.’ The conversation between Sr Becquart with Ritter-Grepl and Lucia Greiner, the head of the pastoral office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, took place at the invitation of Austria's “First Lady” Doris Schmidauer in the presidential chancellery in Vienna.

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Association of Catholic Women in Tanzania WAWATA visits the Parliament

WAWATA At the Ministry of Community Development Gender Elderly and Children MCDGEC Tanzania

WAWATA with the General Secretary for the Ministry of Community Development, gender, women and special groups, Dr Shekilage, and his Deputy, Felister Mdemu

The Association of  Catholic Women in Tanzania (WAWATA) visited the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania in Dodoma the Capital on November 4 this year on invitation of the Minister of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups Hon. Dr. Dorothy Gwajima. After observing the parliamentary session and being introduced in the parliament by the Chairman of the Parliament, Dr. Joseph Kizito Mhagama, WAWATA held a meeting with the Ministry of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups led by the Secretary of the Ministry Dr. Seif Shekalaghe.

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Asia-Pacific regional conference | 12-14 September 2025

WUCWO 2025 Conference Flier .png"Womanhood - the greatest treasure" 

WUCWO's Asia-Pacific regional conference will take place from the 12th to the 14th of September, 2025.

The meeting venue is Mary Mackillop Place - 80 William St, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia.

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 

Empowering ICWO Members for better tomorrow

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Lusia Willar

Indonesian Catholic Woman’s Organisation (ICWO)

In Indonesia, the safety and quality of various products are of paramount importance and to ensure this, the country has a regulatory body known as Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Indonesia (BPOM Indonesia) or The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (IFDA). IFDA plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health and regulating the production, distribution, and use of food, drugs, and other consumer products.

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WUCWO Day in Spain


On May 13th, WUCWO Day, the organisations that are part of WUCWO Spain (Acción Católica General, Adoración Nocturna Femenina Española, ACdP, and Manos Unidas) have organised a round table moderated by Sandra Várez González, journalist and Director of Communication at the Pablo VI Foundation, featuring contributions from Carmen Márquez, professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Comillas and Director of TUP, and María del Carmen Molina, Doctor in Biology and Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, member of the CDEI.

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Women's Voice 63: Here we are Lord, send us!

Guinta Shari

Shari Guinta

Catholic Women’s League of Canada

After attending the WUCWO General Assembly for the first time in 2023, I developed an appreciation for the work of WUCWO and its global sisterhood. I learned more about and was impressed with the World Women’s Observatory. What an amazing initiative! The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is aware of global issues, and often the same issues exist in Canada.

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Women's Voice 63: Announce with joy the beauty of being family!


Lucy Joceylin Vokhiwa

WUCWO Board member Malawi

Family as a vocation, is a missionary journey that God has placed in the world for us to embrace, announce and live by. This journey requires listening to God who has called us as companions of the gospel. During the X World Meeting of Families, Pope Francis encouraged and called for families around the world to announce the joy of being family, for those that are further along to become companions of the other and guide them, announce to children and young people the grace of Christian marriage but also open ourselves to Christ, listen to Him in the silence of prayer, accompanying those who are most fragile, taking charge of those who are alone, refugees and abandoned. The theme of the meeting, ‘Family Love: a vocation and path to holiness’, opened up an obligation for the Church and her members to actively take part in family evangelization. WUCWO, an umbrella body for Catholic Women Organisations/Associations adopted the resolution during its 2023 General Assembly in Assisi, introducing the resolution ‘Let us take with renewed conviction the joyful journey of family love, motherhood and fatherhood’ to be implemented in the next four years.

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Women's Voice 63: Children need parents, not fathers and mothers

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Mary Assumpta Gidudu 

Uganda Catholic women Apostolate

Family love is indeed a vocation and path to holiness. Mothers and Fathers are called to take the joyful journey of family love. The truth is that many fathers and mothers are finding it very difficult to enjoy this God given vocation because of various situations. There are situations that pause great challenges to individuals and really rob them of the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. The vocation of motherhood and fatherhood takes us to the thought of a family unit the smallest building block of the society. In the family units today there many challenges not limited to domestic violence. In the family unit we may find other forms of violence such sexual violence, emotional violence and physical violence. In the view of this forms of violence we find that the joy of motherhood and fatherhood is robbed and rendering every other member of the family vulnerable to any form of abuse

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Valuing women to promote human rights and dignity


Motherhood, work and family: these are the topics at the centre of the reflection promoted by the Beata Maria Cristina di Savoia Association together with the Movimento Nazionale Donne UCID, both members of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO).

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Magazine "Women's Voice"

Copertina novembre 2024 n.65 ENG

Voices from our Member Organisations which are testimony to the commitment of WUCWO´s members on the theme: "Hope for our common home."

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