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Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreichs  K.F.B.O.

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Czech Republic

Union Katolischer Frauen (UKZ)

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Action Catholique des Femmes (ACF)

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Femina Europa

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Katolische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands (KFD)

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Katolischer Deutscher Frauenbund (KDFB)

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Verein Katolischer Deutscher Lehrerinnen (VKDL)

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Association of Greek Catholic Women

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KALÁSZ - Association of Catholic Women and Girls

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Associazione Donne in Vaticano

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Azione Cattolica Italiana

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ACLI - Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani

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Casa de Procura del Instituto de Hermanas de la Sagrada Familia de Urgell

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Centro Italiano Femminile

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Convegni di Cultura Beata Maria Cristina di Savoia



Movimento Nazionale Donne UCID (Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti)

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Catholic Action, Women's Branch

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Netwerk Katholieke Vrouwen (NKV)

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Catholic Women Association of Poland (PZKK)

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Slovak Republic

Slovak Catholic Union

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Acción Católica General de Adultos de España

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Adoración Nocturna Femenina de España

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Asociación Católica de Propagandistas

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Acción Social Empresarial (ASE)

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Manos Unidas

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Schweizerischer Katolischer Frauenbunf (SKF)

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Unione Femminile Cattolica Ticinese 

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United Kingdom

Catholic Women's League of England and Wales

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Catholic Women Organisation Aberdeen

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Federation of Polish Catholic Women's Organizations Abroad

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National Board of Catholic Women

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Pencils for all

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The Association of Catholic Women

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Union of Catholic Mothers

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International Organisations 


Web Page

Association Mondiale des Anciennes du Sacré-Cœur (AMASC)

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Société des Filles du Cœur de Marie (SFCM)

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