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KDFB is organising on April 9 at 7:00 PM (Uhr) on Zoom: Peace through Women's Rights – Peace Activists in Bolivia
The WUCWO member organisations in Italy visited the General Secretariat, where they had the opportunity to meet the President General, Mónica Santamarina, and the Secretary General, Lavinia Rocchi, and to spend some time together.
From left to right: Doris Schmidauer, Lucia Greiner, Sr. Nathalie Becquart and Angelika Ritter-Grepl (Photo: ÖPK)
‘Synodality in the Catholic Church has only just begun, we must do our utmost to implement the resolutions of the World Synod,’ emphasises Angelika Ritter-Grepl, Chairwoman of the Catholic Women's Movement Austria (KFBÖ), following a conversation with Sr Nathalie Becquart, Undersecretary of the Vatican General Secretariat of the World Synod of Bishops. ‘The Synod Secretariat is entrusted with the accompaniment of the reception phase in the local churches called to implement synodality in dioceses as in a note published by Pope Francis stated.’ The conversation between Sr Becquart with Ritter-Grepl and Lucia Greiner, the head of the pastoral office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, took place at the invitation of Austria's “First Lady” Doris Schmidauer in the presidential chancellery in Vienna.
On May 13th, WUCWO Day, the organisations that are part of WUCWO Spain (Acción Católica General, Adoración Nocturna Femenina Española, ACdP, and Manos Unidas) have organised a round table moderated by Sandra Várez González, journalist and Director of Communication at the Pablo VI Foundation, featuring contributions from Carmen Márquez, professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Comillas and Director of TUP, and María del Carmen Molina, Doctor in Biology and Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, member of the CDEI.
“Pencils for All” is a very small charitable organisation working on educational projects all around the world.
At the time of the Dakar General Assembly we were already preparing for more work in South Sudan, country torn by civil and ethnic war and violence. The country welcomed the much-needed peace just at the beginning of this year on the 22 February 2020, unfortunately the wonderful news was overshadowed by the COVID -19 spread around the world.
South Sudan is one of the youngest countries in the world, gain its independence from Sudan in June 2011 and ending the longest civil war in Africa. Sadly, the peace did not last. In 2013 yet another civil war started and the first three years were extremely violent and brutal.
On 10 and 11 November 2021, the WUCWO European Regional Conference took place in Spain, as a hybrid event. Araceli Cavero, Vice President for Europe, invited women from WUCWO member organisations to discuss and learn about the theme of discrimination and violence against women.
These two days were enlightened by the prayer of the participants and marked by interesting activities: a conference on violence in the Bible, courageous and moving personal testimonies, a look beyond the borders of Europe with the work carried out for many years in Peru following the exactions of the Shining Path, and fruitful exchanges in workshops.
On the 17th-20th of last March the European Regional Conference was celebrated in Madrid. Around 40 women from France, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain got together.
The chosen topic was the revision of the 5th resolution approved at the Fatima Assembly: working against the corruption. The slogan: “WUCWO women for the honesty and justice”.
On the 10th March 2016 the Regional Vice President for Europe, Araceli Cavero, was received by the President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Emmo. D. Ricardo Blaquez. The meeting was arranged to inform him of her election and to discuss WUCWO’s work and projects, and the celebration of the General Assembly and the resolutions adopted in Fatima. It was a very pleasant meeting. He was grateful for the information and shared some suggestions for how to improve the work. A considerable amount of time had passed since the election but due to various circumstances it had not been possible to arrange a meeting earlier.
Leeds, United Kingdom
September 5 -8, 2013
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