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News of the Church

Farewell to Pope Benedict XVI

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WUCWO women bid farewell to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI with deep gratitude!

Pope's prayer intention - September 2019

sept eng

We thank the Pope for this prayer intention, for the month of September, on the protection of the seas and the oceans of the world.

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Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, has appointed the President of WUCWO as a member of the Women's Consultation Group.

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"It is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost"
(Mt 18:14)

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life invited María Lía Zervino, as president of WUCWO, to participate in the event that it organises each year for Movements and associations.

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"Christus Vivit"

Written by Pope Francis in response to the Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment, the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit" is finally online.

Click the link below to see full document

Christus Vivit document

Praying the Rosary during the Marian month for the General Assembly

Rosary 2006 01 16

Let us add the intention suggested by the Holy Father to our daily prayer for our coming General Assembly. 


Pope Francis' invitation

The Holy Father has decided to invite all the faithful, of all the world, to pray the Holy Rosary every day, during the entire Marian month of October, and thus to join in communion and in penitence, as the people of God, in asking the Holy Mother of God and Saint Michael Archangel to protect the Church from the devil, who always seeks to separate us from God and from each other.

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Pope at Mass in Santa Marta

Santa Marta

Pope at Mass: exploiting women is a sin against God: In his homily at Mass in the Santa Marta residence, Pope Francis reflects on the exploitation of women today who are treated like objects, recalling that without women men cannot be the image and likeness of God.

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Vatican Document: "Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones"

Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, together with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, have published a document with guidelines and reflections on the economy and lawful behaviour in the world of finance.

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​New Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate​

Presentation Exhortation I

D​ear friends, today we have received the gift of the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate by Pope Francis. it is a invitation to respond promptly and joyfully to the call to holiness in today's world.

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Audience with Pope Francis - February 2018

MG avec le Pape 1

On February 12th, on the occasion of the Day of Reflection and Prayer against Human Trafficking 2018, "Trafficking and Migration", WUCWO and the other member organisations of the organising committee had an audience with the Holy Father. The President General, Maria Giovanna Ruggieri, participated along with the group of young Nigerians with whom she works in her city. She was accompanied by the Vice-President for Europe, Araceli Cavero Pérez, and the Secretary General, María Lía Zervino.


The words of Pope Francis to the Catholic inspired NGOs during the Rome Forum 2017

Pope Francis NGOs

His Holiness Pope Francis addressed the following words to the participants in the Forum of Catholic inspired NGOs which took place in Rome on December 11 and 12:

I am pleased to greet the participants in the 2017 Forum of Catholic-inspired Non-Governmental Organizations meeting in Rome during these days. I express my deep appreciation for your efforts to bring the light of the Gospel to the various peripheries of our world, in order to defend human dignity, to promote the integral development of peoples, and to meet the material and spiritual needs of so many members of our human family. I encourage you to work always in a spirit of communion and cooperation with other Catholic NGOs and with the representatives of the Holy See, as an expression of the Church’s commitment to the building of a more just and fraternal world. With prayerful good wishes that these days of reflection and discussion will prove fruitful for your work, I cordially impart to all of you my Apostolic Blessing.




During Pope Francis' General Audience of 22 November, 2017, the President General, together with the Vice President General and the Treasurer General, met the Holy Father. They thanked him for his encouragement and for the actions he is taking in favor of an ever stronger presence of women in the Church. They also assured him that all the women of WUCWO will keep supporting and praying for his pontificate. The Holy Father thanked them for what WUCWO is doing and urged them to continue with greater strength and courage to support the presence of women in the Church and in the world.

Read the words of Pope Francis during the Audience here

Visit of Pope Francis to the FAO on the World Food Day 2017

Papa Francesco FAO


On October 16th, 2017, the Holy Father Francis visited the headquarters of the FAO in Rome for the celebration of World Food Day, this year on the theme: Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.

Read the address of the Holy Father here.


Giornata per la cura

As every year, the Dicastery for promoting Human Integral Development has prepared a simple Guide in order to help the faithful to participate in the 3rd World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

The Holy Father invites us to "assume a respectful and responsible attitude towards Creation"(General Audience, August 30, 2017).
Prayer, alone, in the family or in a community, does help and educate to assume that attitude.
We invite you to reserve some minutes for prayer, both on September 1st and in the following days. 

The guide is interactive and you can read and follow it on your smartphone, tablet, computer, or you can print it. 

The Joint Message by His Holiness Pope Francis and His Holiness Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Costantinople, for the Third World Day for the Care of Creation will be delivered on the 1st September 2017. 

READ IT on www.vatican.va


Extraordinary Synod of the Family

Logo Synode FamilleWe are delighted to note that the member of our Board from South Korea, Dr. Helen Kyung Soo Kwon will be serving as an advisor to this Extraordinay Synod. Also present will be Jeanette Touré, President of our member organisation from the Cote d'Ivoire and a candidate for the Board and the Past President of our member organisation from Italy and his wife Francesco Miano and Giuseppina De Simone

For the complete list click here (in Italian)

World Day of Peace (January 1st)

paloma blanca simbolo paz"Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters" will be the title of the Message for the 48th World Day of Peace, the second of the papacy of Pope Francis.

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Church as defender of immigrants and refugees

IMAGE WEB   migrantsKeynote Address by His Eminence Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and President of Caritas Internationalis at the National Migration Conference, Washington D.C.,July 7, 2014

Thank you for the introduction and the warm welcome and thank you for this wonderful invitation to talk about something which affects us all – migration...

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Pope Francis' speech about the marriage

web image mariageDear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning.

Today we conclude the series of catecheses on the Sacraments by speaking about Matrimony. This Sacrament leads us to the heart of God’s design, which is a plan for a Covenant with his people, with us all, a plan for communion...

"Holy See to UN: No Need to Reinvent the Wheel; Family Is Solution to Poverty"

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The Pope urges action against human trafficking

Vatican City, 5 March 2014 (VIS) – Pope Francis has sent a message to the faithful in Brazil on the occasion of the annual Lenten “Fraternity Campaign”, which this year takes on the theme of “Brotherhood and human trafficking”, and whose slogan will be “For freedom Christ has set us free”.

The pope writes a letter to families asking them to pray for the next synod



“Dear families,

With this letter, I wish, as it were, to come into your homes to speak about an event which will take place at the Vatican this coming October. It is the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which is being convened to discuss the theme of “pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization”.





Pope Francis met The Italian Women’s Centre

LOGO CIF member Italy(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis earlier today met with participants at a national conference sponsored by the Italian Women’s Centre, which is due to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its foundation in October of this year.

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Pope Francis: hunger is a scandal

IMAGE WEB   NC   hunger

Pope Francis on Wednesday spoke out against the scourge of hunger saying that “the scandal that millions of people suffer from hunger must not paralyze us, but push each and every one of us to act: singles, families, communities, institutions, governments, to eliminate this injustice”.

Click here to read more


familleVatican City, 8 October 2013 (VIS) – The Holy See Press Office today announced that Holy Father Francis has convened the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to be held in the Vatican from 5 to 19 October 2014, on the theme “The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelisation”.

APPEAL FOR EGYPT by Fr. Ibrahim Faltas ofm

carte egypteI am appealing to everyone to be united in prayer for the people of Egypt so that the violence by Egyptians themselves against their fellow countrymen may cease immediately.

Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders

The Permanent Mission of the Holy See in Geneva, Caritas lnternationalis, the International Catholic Migration Commission, and Jesuit Refugee Service jointly present for your consideration and action the document "Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders."

Encyclical Lumen Fidei

Lumen Fidei WebPope Francis’ first encyclical entitled "Lumen fidei" or “The Light of Faith” was released Friday at a press conference in the Vatican. The document completes the trilogy of papal teachings on the three theological virtues, begun by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who issued his encyclicals "Deus Caritas Est" on Charity in 2005 and "Spe Salvi" on Hope in 2007.

Read the text

Homily of Pope Francis “Evangelium vitae” Day

Saint Peter's Square  Sunday, 16 June 2013

…This celebration has a very beautiful name: the Gospel of Life. In this Eucharist, in the Year of Faith, let us thank the Lord for the gift of life in all its forms, and at the same time let us proclaim the Gospel of Life... 

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