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Photograph courtesy of Don MacKinnon
From 7 to 10 October 2022, under the title “Women Builders of Peace in a Church which Goes Forth” WUCWO organised the third meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, in order to make known the reality of women in this Region and the work that some organisations are doing. More than 120 women from 33 countries participated.
There were women who shared their life stories, how the obstacles they faced gave them the strength to do great things. Others shared the work they are currently doing with their organisations, where love and service for others was evident, how women's own empathy makes them give their lives to accompany people who need their support, making the words of the Gospel a living example.
During these 4 days there were also many spaces for sharing in small and large groups, moments to learn from experiences in other countries and a lot of cultural exchange that enriched WUCWO women.
Meetings like these give us a lot of strength to be able to continue the daily work we do and to think about bigger projects, while we realise what a great international team we are and the support we have in all parts of the world.
Photograph courtesy of Don MacKinnon