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Join the Week of Prayer Against Human Trafficking

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The Week of Prayer Against Human Trafficking has just started, an initiative promoted by the International Committee for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking (IDPHT) which we, as women of WUCWO, join. 

We cannot tolerate human trafficking, and we join this initiative to raise awareness and inspire action. This year, our commitment takes on even greater significance as we prepare for the Jubilee 2025, a time centered on hope. In this spirit, we place our focus on bringing hope to victims and survivors, praying and working for a world free from this inhumane crime.

This week leads up to February 8, the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese nun who, as a child, suffered the traumatic experience of being a victim of human trafficking. On this day, we are called to pray for and support all those who work to help men, women, and children who are enslaved, exploited, and abused, often suffering torture and mutilation. 

Let's join the Online Pilgrimage of Prayer and Awareness

How can we partecipate? We invite you to join on February 7 for the Online Pilgrimage of Prayer and Awareness, a global moment of reflection and commitment, from 11.30 to 16.30 CET. Together, we can be Ambassadors of Hope: Together Against Human Trafficking.

📍 Live streaming: prayagainsttrafficking.net/yt/en

Let us raise our voices through prayer and action to bring hope and freedom to victims and survivors.

We encourage you to share this initiative using the official hashtags: #PrayAgainstTrafficking #iubilaeum2025.

For more information and resources, visit: https://preghieracontrotratta.org/?lang=en