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Theotokos del Signo

During this month we prepare to celebrate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus. As St Paul says in his beautiful hymn Jesus “being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are and being in every way like a human being” (Ph 2, 6-7).

Jesus came among us to give dignity to the human being. In this month we celebrate also the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights made by the UN. Unfortunately, too often this dignity is under attack. As Pope Francis said in his homely during the celebration of the Mass in Cartagena (Colombia) “I think of the heart-breaking drama of drug abuse, which reaps profits in contempt of the moral and civil laws. This evil directly goes against human dignity and gradually tears away at the image the Creator has formed in us. The lives of our brothers and sisters cannot be played with, nor their dignity instrumentalised.  I also think of another tragedy: I think of the devastation of natural resources and ongoing pollution, and the tragedy of the exploitation of labour. I think too of illicit money trafficking and financial speculation, which often prove both predatory and harmful for entire economic and social systems, exposing millions of men and women to poverty. I think of prostitution, which every day reaps innocent victims, especially the young, robbing them of their future. I think of the abomination of human trafficking, crimes and abuses against minors, the horror of slavery still present in many parts of the world; the frequently overlooked tragedy of migrants, who are often victims of disgraceful and illegal manipulation” (Message for the World Day of Peace, 2014, 8), and I think too of the desire to even make some profit from that pacifist “sterile legality” which ignores the flesh of our brothers and sisters, the flesh of Christ.”

Many challenges have to be faced and as WUCWO “we must be prepared for this, and we must solidly base ourselves upon principles of justice that in no way diminish charity. It is only possible to live peacefully by avoiding actions that corrupt or harm life.” 

In a world which has fear as main point of reference Pope Francis encourages to educate to the culture of the encounter. In fact, he states that “In the encounter between us we rediscover our rights, and we recreate our lives so that they re-emerge as authentically human. “The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic. This common home of all men and women must also be built on the understanding of a certain sacredness of created nature” (Address to the United Nations, 25 September 2015).”

And this is what WUCWO wants to carry on the common home where everybody feels welcomed and respected. WUCWO, as the shepherds who received the message of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, is vigilant and committed to work and build together with goodwill people the common home.

Marana tha!



Now, Master, You can dismiss your servant in peace; 
You have fulfilled Your word. 
For my eyes have witnessed Your saving deed 
displayed for all the peoples to see: 
A revealing light to the Gentiles, 
the glory of Your people Israel. [Lk. 2:29-32]


Further readings


Compendium Social Teaching of the Church

http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/justpeace/documents/rc_pc_justpeace_doc_20060526_compendio-dott-soc_en.html  n 152 – 159