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Prayer to End Human Trafficking

O GOD, we cannot express what our minds barely comprehend

and our heart feel when we hear of men, women and children

deceived, transported to unknown places, forced into prostitution or other

forms of labour, for the financial gain of traffickers -their slaveholders.

Our hearts are saddened and our spirits angry that their dignity and rights

are transgressed through threats, deception and force. We cry out

against this degrading practice of trafficking and pray for it to end.

Protect all potential victims especially our young and vulnerable.

Let Your tender love and care surround all present victims of trafficking.

Deliver them, O God, from the perpetrators’ hands. Give us the courage

and the wisdom to stand in solidarity with them, that together we will

find ways to the freedom that is your gift to all of us. Amen

(adapted from a prayer by G. Cassini.)