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Let us be prepared to assume our leadership in a Synodal Church in mission!
How many good things have been happening lately in the Church! especially with the beginning of the synodal process and the journey of the People of God towards a Church of communion, participation and mission that gets us closer to all, especially the most needy and vulnerable. With the Holy Father leading the way, we have placed ourselves more and more in the hands of the Holy Spirit who undoubtedly enlightens us to discover the Lord's plans for this moment in history.
With great hope we see how many initiatives are emerging, in various groups and communities, to live together "in a synodal style"; to learn to dialogue, to listen to one another and to make decisions following the method of Conversation in the Spirit. How eagerly we await the changes that are taking place in the life of the Church during this process and those that will come after the second phase of the Synodal Assembly!
However, it is with sadness that I see some clouds disrupting this promising present and future. The first phase of the Synodal Assembly had not even begun when questions arose that could have taken the focus of attention away from the transcendent Synodal event. Thank God this did not happen because of the timely and clear intervention of the Holy Father. Once the Synod was underway, soon rumours aroused, the vast majority of them unfounded. With so much false information flooding the networks, which only contributed to misinformation and polarisation, it is important to be attentive and go to the original source; let us avoid being deceived by "the father of lies”. It is enough to read the Summary Report of the First Ordinary Session of the Synodal Assembly to see that much of what was said was simply rumour or unfounded error.
In order to be well informed, it is always best to consult the official sources which, in this case, are: the Vatican website: www.vatican.va the synod website, which is within the first one: www.synod.va and the Vatican news agency: www.vaticannews.va All these websites are available in several languages, including our 3 official languages. I invite you to always refer to these sources and not to WhatsApp, Twitter or any other social network messages; messages that people simply forward without even stopping to think about their origin or their veracity, where they come from or whether they're true.
In addition, on 18 December 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the Declaration Fiducia supplicans on the pastoral meaning of blessings. In view of the confusion caused, various official interpretations came to clarify its content. Both, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Holy Father himself, have firmly insisted on several occasions that with this declaration the Church in no way changes its perennial teaching on marriage; the Church, thereby, does not bless and cannot bless sin. The Church can only bless sinful men and women, so that they may recognise themselves as part of the Lord's plan of love and allow to be transformed by Him. Given the necessary conditions and following the Bishop’s recommendation, bringing men and women living in irregular situations closer to the love and truth of Our Lord in no way implies that we validate their behaviour.
Finally, I am firmly convinced that we, women of WUCWO, have the responsibility to be well-trained and informed, knowing and following the doctrine and Magisterium of the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Father. We have the responsibility to continue to work for a synodal Church that reaches out to those who need it most. We also have the great mission of being a strong element of union and reconciliation when ignorance, misinformation, arrogance or perhaps closed-mindedness and intolerance prevent some from recognising the truth. This is why I propose, with hope, the following:
Courage, we are witnesses and co-protagonists of transcendent moments in the life of the Church. Let us take up our mission with responsibility, hope and joy.
I greet you warmly,
Mónica Santamarina
WUCWO President General