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President General's Messages
Celebration of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene (July 22nd 2016)

Dear Friends,
As you know, Pope Francis has decided to elevate the celebration of the Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene (July 22nd) to the dignity of a liturgical feast.
His decision was taken, according to the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Archbishop Roche, to “reflect more deeply on the dignity of women, the New Evangelization and the greatness of the mystery of the Divine Mercy.” He also stated that “Saint Mary Magdalene is an example of true and authentic evangelization; she is an evangelist who announces the joyful central message of Easter,” and added that “the Holy Father Francis took this decision precisely in the context of the Jubilee of Mercy to signify the importance of this woman who showed a great love for Christ and was much loved by Christ.”
WUCWO, whose aim is to spread the Good News worldwide, rejoices at this decision and wants to give a special emphasis to this feast. We request that during the celebration of Holy Mass on that day, we have a special intention to remember our Presidents General who have passed away, asking them to support WUCWO in its commitment. They were tireless women who worked so much in the vineyard of our Lord, ready to contribute to the building of the Church all over the world.
Another woman we should hold in memory during the celebration is Jacqueline Stuyt, an English lady, who left a bequest to WUCWO at a very delicate moment. We may also add to our intentions all officers of our local organisations who work so hard for the promotion of the dignity of all women.
St. Thomas Aquinas referred to St Mary Magdalene as the “Apostle of the Apostles” (Apostolorum Apostola), “ therefore it is right that the liturgical celebration of this woman receives the same grade of feast that is given to the celebration of the Apostles in the General Roman Calendar, and shines a light on the special mission of this woman, who is an example and model for every woman in the Church.”(ibid)
Have a holy and joyful feast of St Mary Magdalene!
Maria Giovanna Ruggieri
WUCWO President General