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About Us

The World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) was founded in 1910 and now represents nearly 100 Catholic women’s organisations worldwide, active in around 50 countries including all continents and some island states, representing more than eight (8) million Catholic women of every walk of life. WUCWO’s aim is to promote the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in society and the Church, in order to enable them to fulfil their mission of evangelisation and to work for human development, particularly in increasing educational opportunities, poverty reduction and the advancement of human rights beginning with the fundamental right to life.

Executive Committee

DSC 0495

Monica Santamarina
President General

Mónica Santamarina

Isabella Park
Vice President General 

Isabella Eunyoung Park

 Lavinia Rocchi Carrera
Secretary General 

Lavinia Rocchi Carrera

Treasurer General

Myriam García Abrisqueta

 Padre Marcelo Gidi Thumala SJ
Ecclesiastical Assistant

Father Marcelo Gidi Thumala, SJ

evaline ntenga
Regional Vice President Africa

Evaline Malisa Ntenga

Juliet Ramamurthy
Regional Vice President Asia-Pacific

Juliet Ramamurthy

Csehné Vadnai Bori
Regional Vice President Europe

Borbala Csehne Vadnai

Lourdes Espinoza
Regional Vice President Latin America and the Caribbean

María de Lourdes Espinoza Rosas

dowding barbara
Regional Vice President North America

Barbara Dowding




The WUCWO logo was created by a world renowned Mexican painter, Alejandro Rangel Hidalgo.

It depicts the following symbols:

The World: The place where the Christian acts and works so that the Evangelical values are lived: Peace, Justice, Solidarity, Mercy, Love.

The two hands of women, one white and another of color: The presence of the faith-filled woman contributing “Feminine Genius” to construct a more human world.

The dove with the olive branch: The peace that the world needs.

The Cross and the Crown: Jesus invites us to construct the Kingdom, bringing God to earth.

The WUCWO logo has in itself all the elements of WUCWO’s Mission: “To promote the presence, participation and coresponsibility of Catholic Women in Society and the Church in order to enable them to fulfill their Mission of Evangelization and to work for Human Development.”

WUCWO Secretariat


The Secretariat shall constitute the permanent working organ of WUCWO. It shall be organised in accordance with the requirements of the work of WUCWO, and it shall execute, under the direction of the officers of WUCWO, the decisions of the Assembly and the Board.

The Secretariat is here to help and support you. Never hesitate to ask about anything, we will always try to help!

Please note:

The Secretariat needs to be informed, preferably by e-mail, of any change of address, contact numbers and names of officers in organizations.


 Fototessera LRC Virginia quadrata DA TAGLIARE IMG 20190627 1832382 M Lamas M Alonso

Lavinia Rocchi Carrera

Virginia Pastor Bayo

Maria Bruno

María Lamas Mercè Alonso
  Secretary General  Spain Guatemala Spain Spain


Piazza di S. Calisto 16
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 0669887260
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International Representatives

United Nations New York

Maribeth Stewart Blogoslawski

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Adela González

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United Nations Geneva

Adelina Viteri

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FAO Rome

Maria Angela Giorgi Cittadini

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Council of Europe Strasbourg

Maureen Meatcher

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Board Members

Board Roma 2024

Monica Santamarina
President General

Mónica Santamarina

Isabella Park
Vice President General         

Isabella Eunyoung Park

Treasurer General                 

Myriam García Abrisqueta

Lavinia Rocchi Carrera
Secretary General

Lavinia Rocchi Carrera

Padre Marcelo Gidi Thumala SJ
Ecclesiastical Assistant

Father Marcelo Gidi Thumala, SJ

m. isabel gimenez diaz

María Isabel Giménez Díaz

karen de sousa

Karen De Sousa


marie salome Biongla 2

Marie Salome Ngo Bibout Epse Biongla


dowding 2

Barbara Dowding

mercedes padron prada

Mercedes Padrón Prada

doris makhubu

Doris Makhubu


cecilia asobayire

Cecilia Asobayire


titi kamano

Titi Kamano


Csehné Vadnai Bori

Borbala Csehne Vadnai


Juliet Ramamurthy

Juliet Ramamurthy

justina rostiawati 2

Justina Rostiawati


lucy vokhiwa

Lucy Joceylin Vokhiwa


Therese Arama

Thérèse Arama Somboro

Lourdes Espinoza

María de Lourdes Espinoza Rosas


gonsum mary asibi 2

Mary Asibi Gonsum


clarita adalem 2

Clarita Adalem


Beatrice Tavares 2

Beatrice Tavares Da Souza


veronica lebona

Veronica Malan-Lebona


susana fernandez

Susana Fernández Guisasola


evaline ntenga

Evaline Malisa Ntenga

florence mawejje 2

Florence Namatta Mawejje

maureen meatcher 2

Maureen Meatcher


esohe asemota 2

Esohe Maria Asemota

maria de fleury 2

María García De Fleury

International Organisations

ACISJF (International Catholic Association for Girls)


UISG: Sr. Caterina Ciriello

North America


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The Catholic Women's League of Canada

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Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada

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Sisters of Providence

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United States of America

Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary

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National Council of Catholic Women

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Latin America and the Caribbean


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Acción Católica Argentina

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Asociación Argentina de Cultura

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Asociación Civil Presente


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Liga de Madres de Familia

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Misiones Rurales Argentinas

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Grupo de Mujeres de Holguin

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Movimiento Diocesano de Mujeres Católicas

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Asociación Damas Católicas

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Catholic Women's League This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Asociación Mexicana para la Superación Integral de la Familia. A.C (AMSIF)

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Unión Femenina Católica Mexicana

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Acción Católica de Venezuela

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Fundación para los Derechos de la Mujer Latinoamericana (FUNDEMUL)

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Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreichs  K.F.B.O.

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Czech Republic

Union Katolischer Frauen (UKZ)

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Action Catholique des Femmes (ACF)

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Femina Europa

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Katolische Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands (KFD)

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Katolischer Deutscher Frauenbund (KDFB)

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Verein Katolischer Deutscher Lehrerinnen (VKDL)

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Association of Greek Catholic Women

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KALÁSZ - Association of Catholic Women and Girls

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Associazione Donne in Vaticano

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Azione Cattolica Italiana

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ACLI - Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani

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Casa de Procura del Instituto de Hermanas de la Sagrada Familia de Urgell

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Centro Italiano Femminile

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Convegni di Cultura Beata Maria Cristina di Savoia



Movimento Nazionale Donne UCID (Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti)

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Catholic Action, Women's Branch

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Netwerk Katholieke Vrouwen (NKV)

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Catholic Women Association of Poland (PZKK)

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Slovak Republic

Slovak Catholic Union

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Acción Católica General de Adultos de España

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Adoración Nocturna Femenina de España

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Asociación Católica de Propagandistas

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Acción Social Empresarial (ASE)

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Manos Unidas

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Schweizerischer Katolischer Frauenbunf (SKF)

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Unione Femminile Cattolica Ticinese 

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United Kingdom

Catholic Women's League of England and Wales

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Catholic Women Organisation Aberdeen

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Federation of Polish Catholic Women's Organizations Abroad

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National Board of Catholic Women

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Pencils for all

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The Association of Catholic Women

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Union of Catholic Mothers

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International Organisations 


Web Page

Association Mondiale des Anciennes du Sacré-Cœur (AMASC)

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Société des Filles du Cœur de Marie (SFCM)

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Catholic Women's League Australia

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Fiji Islands

Catholic Women's League Fiji

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Council of Catholic Women of India

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Wanita Katolik Republik Indonesia

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The National Catholic Women's League of Japan

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The Pastoral Woman’s Committee 

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New Zealand

Catholic Women's League of New Zealand




Catholic Women's League Philippines

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South Korea

Catholic Women's Organizations of Korea

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Catholic Women's League of Tonga

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Association des Femmes Catholiques du Burundi

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Association Ekoan Maria

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Association des Dames Apostoliques du Cameroun (ADAC)

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Catholic Women's Association (CWA)

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Les Mamans du Monastère



Ligue des Femmes Catholiques

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Branche Féminine Bondeko

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Collectif Alpha Ujuvi


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Côte d'Ivoire

Association des Femmes de l'Église Catholique de Côte d'Ivoire

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Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

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Association des Femmes Catholiques du Gabon

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National Catholic Women's Association (NCWA)


National Council of Catholic Women of Ghana (NCCW)

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Association des Femmes Catholiques de l'Archidiocèse de Conakry (ADFCAC)

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The Kenya National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)

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National Council of Catholic Women of Liberia (NCCWO)

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Union Nationales des Organisations Féminines Catholiques à Madagascar

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Catholic Women's Association (CWA)

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Association des Femmes Catholiques du Mali

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Namibian Catholic Women's Movement

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Ladies of St. Mulumba

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Catholic Women Organisation Nigeria (CWON)

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National Confraternity of Catholic Christian Mothers

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The Ladies Auxiliary of Knights of St. John International (LSJI)

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Zumunta Mata Katolika, Nigeria (ZMKN)

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Association Entraide des Femmes Catholiques du Sénégal (AEFCS)

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Coordination des Unions Diocésaines des Associations Féminines Catholiques du Sénégal (CUDAFCS)

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Mouvement des Femmes Catholiques du Sénégal

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South Africa

Catholic Women's League (CWLSA)

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St. Anne Sodality

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Wanawake Wakatoliki Tanzania (WAWATA)

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Féderation des Organisations Féminines Catholiques de Togo (FOFCATO)

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Uganda Catholic Women's Organisation

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National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)

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