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Iwona Macalka 1I have loved Africa since I was a little girl and have managed to visit the continent in my adulthood which has only increased my love for its peoples and cultures. When I found out that the 2018 World Union of Catholic
Women’s Organisation General Assembly (WUCWO) was going to be hosted in Dakar, I was thrilled. There was also another exciting development to attending this event which was the small charitable educational organisation I had both founded and run – “Pencils for All” was going to become a new associate member!

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Dakar: some discoveries by Femina Europa - France

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Four members of Femina Europa participated in the General Assembly. Alix Lejard, delegate of Femina Europa to the European Parliament, Virginie Rotheÿ, WUCWO representative to UNESCO, Marion Senellart, treasurer, and Myriam Fourchaud, lay missionary and writer.

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"Mum, Dad and Kids" European Citizens Initiative


In June, we learned that over one million EU citizens signed the "Mum, Dad and Kids" European Citizens Initiative - a legislative effort to protect marriage and family, by defining marriage as a permanent and faithful union of man and woman with the purpose of founding a family.

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Archbishop Trevor Huddleston CR KCMG

Called to Justice and Freedom a celebration of the Life and Legacy

The service is organised by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), the successor organisation to the Anti Apartheid Movement and
the Trevor Huddleston CR Memorial Centre, South Africa and hosted by St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Catholic Women’s League Annual Pilgrimage to the Wayside Shrine, Ripon

CWL england and wales

Members of Leeds Branch of the Catholic Women’s League and visitors gathered at St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church, Ripon for Mass celebrated by Canon Paul Moxon before visiting the Wayside Shrine, 2 miles away at Studley Roger for their annual pilgrimage







European Ministers Agree: No Consensus on Abortion

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STRASBOURG, August 2 (C-FAM) European ministers disappointed abortion groups last month when they failed to say that abortion is a human right. They cited lack of consensus in Europe.



Sr Eugenia Bonetti wins EU award for anti-trafficking work

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Italian Consolata Sister Eugenia Bonetti, a driving force in the fight against trafficking and prostitution, was among the recipients of the European Citizen’s Prize 2013. The annual award was launched by the European Parliament in 2008 to recognise exceptional achievements by individual citizens or groups who facilitate cross-border cooperation within the EU or promote better mutual understanding between citizens and member states. It can also be awarded for day-to-day activities reflecting the values enshrined in the EU's charter of fundamental rights.

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COMECE european election statement



The Catholic Bishops of Europe publish today a Statement in view of the upcoming European elections. In this text, they reaffirm their support for the European project. They encourage all citizens of the European Union to go to the polling booths on the 22nd and 25th May, and to start engaging, during the run-up to the election, in constructive dialogue with their MEP’s and those who are candidates for seats. At the same time, COMECE invites the Bishops’ conferences in the EU, to adopt this text, either by using it as an Election Statement as such or as an inspiration for their own election statements.





Sister Vincent

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I’d like to tell you about a lady who as a nurse/midwife/manager has worked in Kenya for 27 years, she is known to her patients and staff as simply: ‘Sister Vincent’.




Empowering ICWO Members for better tomorrow

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Lusia Willar

Indonesian Catholic Woman’s Organisation (ICWO)

In Indonesia, the safety and quality of various products are of paramount importance and to ensure this, the country has a regulatory body known as Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Indonesia (BPOM Indonesia) or The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (IFDA). IFDA plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health and regulating the production, distribution, and use of food, drugs, and other consumer products.

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Report 2019 by the Asia-Pacific Vice President, Catherine McGrath


As WUCWO Vice-President Asia Pacific I am happy to report that I have received reports from Organisations  - Australia, Japan, Lebanon, Aotearoa New Zealand and South Korea but not from Fiji, India or Tonga.  We know that there are many women’s organisations that do not belong to WUCWO but we will endeavour to encourage them to join this wonderful International Organisation.

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