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“In the service, let's reach out to Rural Families”

This is the motto animating the programme of Misiones Rurales Argentina, whose objective is to take the Word of God to the 1068 families of the 22 places that belong to the Parish  of  Nuestra  Señora  de Andacollo, north zone of the province of Neuquén.

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WUCWO Board meeting - Mexico

lulu mod

“Participating in the 2019 WUCWO Board Meeting contributed to my growth and preparation in organisational work, and that means understanding Christ’s call to serve beyond the borders of the country and to work as the Universal Church.”

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WUCWO at the European Union-Latin America Women's Forum



The Women's Forum of the EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly in Rome had our President, Maria Giovanna Ruggieri, as a speaker at the Italo-Latin American Institute, with the theme Women together to grow in co-responsibility and solidarity on May 18.

Read her intervention below (in Spanish).

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Women's Voice 63: Here we are Lord, send us!

Guinta Shari

Shari Guinta

Catholic Women’s League of Canada

After attending the WUCWO General Assembly for the first time in 2023, I developed an appreciation for the work of WUCWO and its global sisterhood. I learned more about and was impressed with the World Women’s Observatory. What an amazing initiative! The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is aware of global issues, and often the same issues exist in Canada.

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Image NAm conference

On 25 August 2021, 107 women, 2 husbands, and Spiritual Advisors gathered in Arlington, Virginia (USA), for the 2021 WUCWO North America Region Conference with the theme, Make Me A Channel of Your Peace.

Maribeth Stewart Blogoslawski, Vice President for North America, welcomed the attendees. Afterward, there was a ceremony of remembrance when representatives of each of the member organizations of the North America Region placed a lighted votive candle before the statue of Mary after which we prayed for the deceased members of our organizations.

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Report 2019 by the North American Vice President, Maribeth Stewart Blogoslawski


This report is concentrated on the response of our organizations to the four resolutions we adopted at our General Assembly in Dakar.

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