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WUCWO's activities at the Council of Europe - June 2018

Council of Europe logo

The migration monitoring unit


Migration: this unit is an alternative between retention and migration. A manual of good practices will be applied. NGO participation through human rights proposals.

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WUCWO's activities at the Council of Europe, June 2016 - May 2017


Council of Europe (2 representatives)


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European Ministers Agree: No Consensus on Abortion

small drapeau européen

STRASBOURG, August 2, 2013 (C-FAM) European ministers disappointed abortion groups last month when they failed to say that abortion is a human right. They cited lack of consensus in Europe.


Council of Europe 2014 report

The second 2014 session of the Council of Europe took place from 7th to 11th of April in Strasbourg, France.

Part one : Activities of the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe)

Part two : A Selection of Documents

Part Three : COING (Conference of international NGO) Activities

Council of Europe June 2014 report

The third 2014 session of the Council of Europe took place from 22nd to 26th of June in Strasbourg, France.

Part one : Activities of the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe)

Part two : A Selection of Documents

Part Three : COING (Conference of international NGO) Activities

Monthly message June-July 2024

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WUCWO leaders lived a genuine synodal Board Meeting in Rome 

Dear friends,

With great joy I address this message to you after spending five intense and fruitful weeks of work in Rome. At the end of May, we successfully celebrated WUCWO’s 2024 in person Board meeting, with most of our Board members. We also had the presence of our International Representatives and the newly appointed members to the Board from Caritas Internationalis and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG).

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Monthly message May 2024

May 2024

"Mary arose and went with haste" (Lk 1:39) 

WUCWO 2024 Day

Dear friends of WUCWO:

We have just entered a very beautiful month, the month of May, especially dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It also coincides with the celebration of WUCWO Day on the 13th, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Finally, in many countries around the world, Mother's Day, so important and endearing to everyone, is celebrated this month. So many things to celebrate and be thankful for in May!

WUCWO Day reminds us that we are not alone, for we are part of a great universal network of prayer, joint actions and solidary support in which Catholic women around the world come together for training, sharing good practices, helping each other and working to transform the world, bringing to all mankind God’s Word and love.  This network, which extends to all corners of the world where our more than 100 organisations representing more than 8 million women, undoubtedly counts with the Lord's loving hand and Mary's infinite embrace.

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Monthly message April 2024

Official Image TPV 4 2024 EN For the role of women 889x500 1That the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture… that discrimination ends. (Pope Francis)

For the role of women: Holy Father's Prayer Intention for the month of April

Dear friends,

This month, Pope Francis has invited us to pray “for the role of women” a gift that we cannot miss at WUCWO, joining our voices in prayer on a topic that concerns us all. “Let us not deny women a voice [...] Let us respect women,” the Pope reminds us. This message also calls us women to respect one another, to listen to one another, to marvel at the qualities of our fellow women, to learn from them and, above all, to walk the path of prayer together, praying for one another and always keeping our eyes on those who suffer the most. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMUs5H_pVFU

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