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Monthly Message March 2021

Monthly message March 2021

WUCWO women: at prayer, fraternal and missionary

Dear friends,

We are living a particular year in human history because we are trying to get ahead of the global crisis generated by Covid-19. The virus worsened the situations of injustice and the tragedies that a large part of humanity and our planet already suffered. As the Pope often reminds us: you never get out of a crisis the same, either better or worse.

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Monthly message February 2021


Working together for a culture of care.

Dear friends,

we begin this year with a strong and tender call from the Holy Father: “I ask everyone to […] become a prophetic witness of the culture of care, working to overcome the many existing social inequalities. This can only come about through a widespread and meaningful involvement on the part of women, in the family and in every social, political and institutional sphere. […] Promoting a culture of care calls for a process of education. The ‘compass’ of social principles can prove useful and reliable in a variety of interrelated contexts. Let me offer a few examples:

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A field hospital to heal the victims and the creation.

The crisis of the Coronavirus is not only a health crisis, for it also has repercussions in many areas: economy, politics, our family environment and that of our organisations. It was not present in science fiction bestsellers or in the collective imagination. This global and complex crisis aggravates the climatic, migratory, discriminatory and enslaving hardships already existing in humanity. “Those who fail to view a crisis in the light of the Gospel simply perform an autopsy on a cadaver. They see the crisis, but not the hope and the light brought by the Gospel.” (Pope Francis to the Roman Curia, 21 December 2020).

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Monthly Message December 2020

Virgen y niño

Together with Mary, let us weave humanity into this our time


Dear friends,

“«When the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman» (Gal 4:4). Born of woman: Jesus came in this way. […] In the womb of a woman, God and mankind are united, never to be separated again. Even now, in heaven, Jesus lives in the flesh that he took in his mother’s womb.” (Pope Francis, homily of 1 January 2020)

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Let us switch from “the others” to “us”

Dear friends,

If we listen to Jesus, who, in his spiritual testament during the Last Supper, implored aloud: “May they all be one, just as, Father, you are in me and I am in you, so that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me” (Jn 17:21), we will welcome into our souls what Pope Francis is recently always repeating to us: "no one is saved alone," which is a certain echo of that plea of Our Lord.

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Monthly Message October 2020


Reception of the encyclical Fratres Omnes

Dear friends,

This October 2020 will start, for the Church and the world, with a new encyclical entitled Fratres Omnes. It will be like a ray of sunshine in the midst of the fog of uncertainty that surrounds our planet. Contrary to what happens during lockdown, when everything comes to a standstill or decreases, the Holy Spirit is bringing about his powerful activity through the Pope's magisterium.

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Monthly Message September 2020

Monthly Message September 2020


Dear friends,

“What the Lord is asking of us is already in some sense present in the very word “synod”. Journeying together — laity, pastors, the Bishop of Rome — is an easy concept to put into words, but not so easy to put into practice” (50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of Bishops), Pope Francis told us five years ago.

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Monthly message August 2020

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The Pope, last March 27 in the extraordinary prayer from St. Peter's Square, pointed out to us what we left behind: “The storm exposes our vulnerability” he told us, making us see that we have lost the security of our agendas, projects and routines. “The façade of those stereotypes with which we camouflaged our egos has fallen away" as our western pride of feeling omnipotent masters of science and progress has fallen.

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ENG Moment

On the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, 30th of July 2020, our President General María Lía Zervino recorded a message to remember us that all forms of modern slavery are crimes against humanity.

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Monthly message July 2020

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Dear friends,

how nice it is to hear the sound of the bells when you arrive in a city! How nice it is to perceive the echo of a woman when she has been fully a woman in her life!

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Monthly message June 2020

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Laudato Si' is our road map as women of faith.

Dear friends,

five years ago, Pope Francis gave us a new “treasure” of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Laudato Si'. Today we can tell that it is a prophetic encyclical. The coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the deep connection and interdependence of all of us who live in the Common Home.

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Monthly message May 2020

Pentecostés El Greco 1597Mary is a model for WUCWO

especially during this crisis.

Dear friends,

Mary is the model of a resilient woman. Who else had the capacity to face the crisis of the Passion and Death of her Son? Who else could overcome the change that meant taking Christians as "sons" from the Resurrection? “The Church is a woman,” Pope Francis repeatedly tells us. In the context of the globalisation of the Coronavirus, Mary, the resilient woman par excellence, is the model who teaches us what steps to take on the path to holiness, particularly to those of us who have a responsibility for leadership in the Church, as is the case with each of the women in WUCWO.

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