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On our way towards Dakar we need to reflect more and more about the challenges we face in order to discuss and find together the best actions to contribute and bring justice and peace in such globalised indifference.

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Monthly Message June 2018

Mary Luke Tobin

We celebrated Pentecost a few weeks ago.

The power of the Holy Spirit pushed, enhanced the apostles to go all over the world to bring the Good News. WUCWO women commit to be carriers of “living water” wherever people are thirsty for it; where they are not respected, where life is not preserved, where the human dignity is trampled, where people are suffering because of hunger, conflicts, persecutions, and wars.

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Monthly message May 2018

st elizabeth

This month is dedicated to Our Lady, and we want to put under her special protection our path towards our General Assembly and all WUCWO life. This year May 13th –WUCWO day – will fall on Sunday, so we have the possibility to involve more people in the celebration.

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Sta Marina Omura

This month opens with Easter Sunday! What a joyful day for Christians! The spring of our hope! The free gift of salvation offered by the merciful Lord through Jesus who offered himself to expiate our sins.

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Monthly Message March 2018


In this month, while we prepare for the celebration of the centre of our faith, the Death and Resurrection of our Saviour, we also celebrate the feast of the Annunciation. Mary is the icon of the carrier of “living water.” She is the one who accepted to give human flesh to our Lord. Yet, She admits her limits, she is aware of her poor human reality, and She accepts the proposal benevolently.

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Monthly Message February 2018

francisca cuallado baixauli

This month we want to start our preparation for the General Assembly to be held next October.

WUCWO women are eager to move towards Dakar to celebrate our General Assembly together. “WUCWO women: carriers of ‘living water’”.

Water always accompanies the miracles made by Jesus at the presence of Mary, his mother. Mary, who accompanies every path starting from the one to Elizabeth and ending in Jerusalem to follow Jesus, is our best example as carrier of living water.

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Monthly Message January 2018


Dear friends,

serene and fruitful 2018!

This year will see WUCWO women committed in the preparation of our General Assembly to be held in Dakar next October.

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Theotokos del Signo

During this month we prepare to celebrate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus. As St Paul says in his beautiful hymn Jesus “being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are and being in every way like a human being” (Ph 2, 6-7).

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Monthly Message November 2017

Fête de tous les Saints Icône dAghiou Pavlou XIXème siècle 880x350

This month starts with the celebration of the All Saints’ Day. It is our feast, for we are called to sanctify. Lumen Gentium, the 2nd Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution, dedicates its 5th chapter to the explanation of the universal vocation to sanctity in the Church.

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Monthly Message October 2017


This month is dedicated in a special way to the Mission of the Church. “The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father.” (Ad Gentes 2)

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Monthly Message September 2017

icono natividad de maria

Pope Francis, during his general audiences on Wednesdays, is carrying on his catechesis about HOPE. As WUCWO women we are all committed to sow hope, especially in the family, among youth and suffering people, with a specific attention to women.

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Deir Musa

On July 29th it was the 4th anniversary of the kidnapping of  a missionary Father Fausto Dall’Oglio,  in Syria. He is a Jesuit who, in the 1980s,  re-established in Syria the Catholic-Syriac Monastic community of Mar Musa (Monastery of Saint Moses Abyssinia), the heir to a cenobitic and hermitic tradition dating back to the 6th century. The monastery, located in the desert north of Damascus, also welcomes members of Orthodox religion. Father Fausto Dall'Oglio is strongly engaged in interreligious dialogue with the Islamic world.  He decided to be committed to such an effort convinced that the only way towards peace is dialogue and mutual respect.  

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