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"Women's Cry" Photographic Exhibition Makes Impact in New York

Womens Cry NY 4

The "Women's Cry" photographic exhibition, curated by Lia Beltrami in collaboration with the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO) through its World Women's Observatory (WWO), has landed in New York during the United Nations General Assembly's 78th session. This powerful exhibition, initially displayed in St. Peter's Square last May with the collaboration of the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication, is a testament to the resilience of women in remote areas and conflict-ridden countries.

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World Day of Migrants and Refugees - September 24

migrants engOn the 24th of September 2023, the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) will be celebrated and promoted by Pope Francis and the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.

This year, the theme chosen by the Holy Father for this important day is “free to choose whether to migrate or to stay” that makes us reflect on the fundamental right for individuals to decide for themselves whether or not to leave their homeland.

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Breaking Barriers

pexels-los-muertos-crew-7177723.jpgBreaking Barriers: Study Reveals the State of Discrimination and Participation of Latin American and Caribbean Women in the Church and Society. 

In an effort to address discrimination and promote equal opportunities for women in Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Women's Observatory (WWO) of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO) and the Socio-Anthropological Pastoral Observatory of the Knowledge Management Center of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) have presented the results of the study "Discrimination and Participation of Latin American and Caribbean Women: A Look from and towards Our Church."

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"Women's Cry" at the "Women Deliver" 2023 International Conference


Filmmaker and Art Director Lia Beltrami Presented the "Women's Cry" Project at the "Women Deliver" 2023 International Conference

Kigali, Rwanda - The prestigious "Women Deliver" 2023 International Conference has become a reference point of empowerment and advocacy, attracting over 6,000 women from all corners of the world.

As the conference convened in Kigali, Rwanda, from 17th to 20th July 2023, the focus was firmly set on championing women's rights and sustainable development.

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The new President General of WUCWO

Foto Monica Comunicato Stampa

The new President General of WUCWO is the Mexican Monica Santamarina. 

 Assisi, 20 May 2023 - The General Assembly of WUCWO has just ended in Assisi after a week of intense debate and discussion. The central theme was "WUCWO women, artisans of human fraternity for world peace".

 The event brought together representatives from all over the world with the aim of addressing global challenges and analysing the fundamental role of women in promoting peace.

Over 67 organisations from different parts of the globe attended the Assembly, with a total of 832 participants from 38 countries on all continents.

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The Holy Father Francis received the women of WUCWO


For the first time Pope Francis met with representatives of all the women of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO).

On Saturday 13 May, the women of theWUCWO met with the Holy Father in a Private Audience, primarily to receive a missionary mandate from the Holy Father on the synodal journey of the Church.

Pope Francis had promised this audience last year, when the Executive Committee of the body had presented the report of the World Women’s Observatory (WWO) on "the impact of Covid-19 on women in Latin America and the Caribbean". On that occasion, Pope Francis had encouraged WUCWO to advance its mission, particularly on the African continent.

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Papal Audience, 13th of May 2023

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WUCWO's audience with Pope Francis
and Thanksgiving Mass in St. Peter's Basilica
Saturday 13 May 2023
The Audience with Pope Francis will take place on Saturday 13 May morning. In the afternoon a thanksgiving mass will be celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica at 5pm. 

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Raise Awareness of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Twitter Post - A Walk to Raise Awareness of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (6).png
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25th of November 2022, WUCWO intensifies awareness regarding gender violence as a weapon of war.
Together with the British Embassy to the Holy See and with the support of the Vatican Sports Team, Athletica Vaticana, we organised a Walk to Raise Awareness of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence on Sunday 27th November 2022 from 10 am to 12 noon in Rome.

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Photograph courtesy of Don MacKinnon 

From 7 to 10 October 2022, under the title Women Builders of Peace in a Church which Goes Forth” WUCWO organised the third meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, in order to make known the reality of women in this Region and the work that some organisations are doing. More than 120 women from 33 countries participated.

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World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2022

WD Grandparents Elderly web ENG

On Sunday, July 24, 2022, the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the occasion is "In old age they will still bear fruit" (Psalm 92:15) and intends to emphasize how grandparents and the elderly are a value and a gift both for society and for ecclesial communities.

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WUCWO's participation at FAO

Immagine 2022 07 21 105823WUCWO's participation at the Group of International NGOs to FAO in Rome.

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