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Monthly Message August 2016


The central solemnity of the month of August is the Assumption of the Holy Virgin to the Heaven.

A solemnity which reminds us of the final goal, task of our life. During this year of the Jubilee of Mercy we have received many occasions to reflect  on God’s mercy. We, every month, have been following the words given by Pope Francis to live fully the experience of mercy. This month the words are openness and maturity. ”openness is honesty and rectitude, consistency and absolute sincerity with regard both to ourselves and to God. An honest and open person does not act virtuously only when he or she is being watched; honest persons have no fear of being caught, since they never betray the trust of others. An honest person is never domineering like the “wicked servant” (cf. Mt24:48-51), with regard to the persons or matters entrusted to his or her care. Honesty is the foundation on which all other qualities rest.”  

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Monthly Message July 2016

This month the World Youth Day will be celebrated in Cracow. Its motto is “Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them”(Mt 5,7). The theme of mercy  is connected with the two words, charity and truth, we want to offer, this month,  for reflection continuing the comment to the words taken from the spelling of the word MISERICORDIA made by Pope Francis . As the Holy Father says , they are “two inseparable virtues of the Christian life, “speaking the truth in charity and practising charity in truth” (cf.Eph 4:15). To the point where charity without truth becomes a destructive ideology of complaisance and truth without charity becomes myopic legalism.” (Address of the Pope Francis to the Roman Curia, 21 December 2015).

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Monthly Message June 2016


This month, which is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we continue by reflecting about the single letters that make up the word “misericordia” according to the scheme followed by Pope Francis during a meeting held on December 21st  2015.  

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Monthly Message May 2016


Happy Wucwo Day

This month we celebrate WUCWO Day which is an extraordinary moment to reflect and pray for our  commitment.

With the joy of the gift of Amoris Laetitia let’s continue to meditate about the word MISERICORDIA following the single letters suggested by Pope Francis.

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Monthly Message March 2016

Let’s continue with the acrostic analysis of the leading word for this Jubilee year MISERICORDIA (mercy).

This month the words are spirituality and humanity.

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Message for the Advent

Avvento O

We are entering  the Advent time. After the Jubilee of the Extraordinary year of Mercy we continue to experience God’s mercy in our daily life. Advent is the time of memory, invocation and expectance of the coming of the Lord. Advent    brings us to the heart of the Christian mystery. We need to be vigilant and ready to enter Christ’s mystery of His incarnation, his dwelling among us.

Marana thà!

Celebration of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene (July 22nd 2016)

maria madgalena jesus

Dear Friends,

As you know, Pope Francis  has decided to elevate the celebration of the Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene (July 22nd) to the dignity of a liturgical feast.

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Letter to mark International Women's Day

March 8th 2016 International Women’s Day

The annual celebration of the International Women’s Day on March 8th invites us to reflect about women in the various realities where WUCWO has been committed for more than 100 years for the respect and promotion of the dignity of women in every field. Many steps have been taken but there is still a long way to go.

Pope Francis is encouraging us very much, we are aware that his message is addressed to everybody and asks everyone to make a deep change of sensitivity: “The Church acknowledges the indispensable contribution which women make to society through the sensitivity, intuition and other distinctive skill sets which they, more than men, tend to possess.”(EG 103)… stressing that “demands that the legitimate rights of women be respected, based on the firm conviction that men and women are equal in dignity, present the Church with profound and challenging questions which cannot be lightly evaded”. (EG 104)

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How to be a missionary synodal Church? Only possible with women

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Under this question, the text of the "Instrumentum Laboris" which will guide the work of the second session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly was published on Tuesday, 9 July 2024. It is neither a document of the Magisterium of the Church nor the report of a sociological survey; it does not offer formulations of operational indications of goals and objectives nor a complete theological vision. It does not seek to provide "ready-made answers", but rather to offer orientations and proposals for continuing to listen to the Spirit and respond to the challenge and demand of how the Church as a whole can respond to the need to be "synodal in mission".

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Message from the Ecclesiastical Assistant for Easter

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Dear sisters. Easter is not an arrival point but rather a starting point. I am moved and reverently contemplating the women who, on Easter morning, approached the sepulchre without letting anything or anyone stop them, even knowing that they could never move the stone. I wonder what strength, passion, and confidence encouraged them? Whatever it was, brought without any doubt, the Risen Lord to meet them and entrust them with the news that they rushed to announce: ""The Master is alive!" (Lk 24, 23).

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Christmas Message from the Ecclesiastical Assistant

Natale 2022 sitoWalking around Rome, looking at the window displays, visiting the churches, contemplating the cribs and attending prayer meetings, I came across a phrase that led me to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. This advertising phrase says “All you need is make-up”. I asked myself then, is this really what I need to live fully as God wants when he is born in our midst?

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New Ecclesiastical Assistant: Father Marcelo Gidi Thumala, SJ

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The Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life has appointed as Ecclesiastical Assistant to WUCWO Fr Marcelo Gidi Thumala, a Jesuit, professor of Canon Law at the Gregorian University, with years of experience working with the laity in his country (Chile) but now residing in Rome.

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