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Monthly Message May 2019

Comunidad Guarao del Delta del OrinocoDear friends, 

Today I’ve had the opportunity to go to the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, a temple which is very visited because it guards the chains with which the apostle Peter was imprisoned and it also contains the extraordinary sculpture of the Moses by Michelangelo. There, before the Blessed Sacrament, I asked the Lord for his inspiration to write to you the message of May 2019. 

On May 13, the date chosen to celebrate the founding of WUCWO, we will turn 109, by the grace of God. 

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Letter to Cardinal Ranjit of Sri Lanka from WUCWO's President General

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This is the letter that our President General wrote to Cardinal Ranjit to express her heartfelt condolences for the victims of the attacks in Sri Lanka.


Your Eminence,

it is with deep sorrow that we write to you on behalf of all the Catholic women of the member organisations of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO), to express our spiritual closeness and deep compassion for the victims, the wounded, their families and the entire Catholic community, which was so tragically affected.

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Monthly Message April 2019

 Crucifixion Icon Sinai 13th century

Mary stood near the Cross (cf. John 19:25)

We are in Lent and soon we will enter the Holy Week. I propose that we live this period towards Easter in Mary’s hand, in order to be reborn through her, with Jesus, to a new life.

As WUCWO women we are entering a new period, which requires the best of each one of us and of our organisations, to follow the steps that our Holy Father Francis is tracing in the Church and in the world. He tells us today: “In the heart of the Curch, Mary shines forth” (Christus Vivit, March 25, 2019).

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Message of the President General for International Women's Day 2019


Today, can we say that women are promoters of hope when there are so many gaping wounds? A planet that cries out for the destruction of human beings, and human beings themselves, in particular women and children, that are subjected to slavery, contempt and discrimination and whose cry we want to silence.

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Mensaje febrero

In February 2019, what temperature do we have?

Let's take today's world temperature. In the northern hemisphere, we usually suffer a lot of cold, whereas in most of the southern hemisphere, a lot of heat. But let's use the thermometer to measure the temperatures of our society.

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Monthly Message January 2019

Papa con paloma 3



 Mary and the Church are a Mother


Dear friends,on January 1 we celebrate the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.

Both Mary and the Church conceive and give birth at Christmas, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Through participation in the motherhood of the Blessed Virgin and of the Church, women who belong to a member organisation, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, are giving birth to a new period in the history of WUCWO.

But... how to give birth today? By applying the message of Pope Francis for the 2019 World Day of Peace. The Holy Father tells us that political responsibility does not only belong to the ones who govern, but also to each citizen.

Dear friends, our political commitment - which is one of the highest expressions of charity - should lead us to concern ourselves with the future of human life and the planet: with women and their children in gestation, with the youngest and most vulnerable members in the family.

I would like this to be part of our spirituality, of our daily prayer and of our commitment to action, just like the Holy Spirit inspired us in our resolutions of the General Assembly in Senegal.

And may the Word, which became flesh, dwell among us! May you have a Happy and Holy Year!


Birthday greeting from the President General to the Holy Father

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Dear Pope Francis,


today we, the women of WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations), pray in a special way for you and wish you a very happy and holy birthday!

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Monthly Message December 2018

Mensaje Adviento

This message for the month of December 2018 contains three points: to make the exhortation of Pope Francis on this first Sunday of Advent our own, to offer a word to the young women, and to give thanks.

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Monthly Message November 2018

ML sonríe en el pulpito

Dear friends,

let me introduce you to my vision of WUCWO and then to its structure and functioning.

Each person, each living being and each organisation, if it does not grow, diminishes little by little and finally dies. And Jesus told us: "You shall know them by their fruits" (Mt 7:16).

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Monthly Message October 2018

Sister Mary Luke Tobin

Dear friends,

this month we will add special intentions in our daily prayers for the good results of our General Assembly in Senegal.

May our gathering be an event of prayer, communion, friendship, mutual acceptance and support.

I humbly ask all those who cannot participate to make the participants feel their closeness and support. Each organisation, single member can find its own way to offer prayers for WUCWO General Assembly.

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Monthly Message September 2018

Clementina Anuarite Nengapeta

Next month we will celebrate our General Assembly in Dakar.

All WUCWO women are praying so that it may be a real moment of communion, sharing, friendship, and a living testimony of the Church, spouse of Christ, “sent by the Risen Christ to pass on to men and women the forgiveness of sins and thereby make the Kingdom of love grow, to sow peace in hearts so that they may also be strengthened in relationships, in every society, in institutions.” (Pope Francis, Regina Caeli, April 7th 2013)

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In the Office of Readings proposed to celebrate the Assumption of Our Lady, we find a passage taken from the letter to the Ephesians (1,16 – 2,10) in which St Paul states that God “raised us up with him and gave us a place with him in heaven, in Christ Jesus” (2,6). This can happen because of the immense mercy, forgiveness of our Creator. The same forgiveness shown by Jesus to the woman in Simon’s house( Lk 7,48).

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