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Synod Webinars

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Witnesses and protagonists of change: World Women’s Observatory 

3 Webinars in preparation for the Assembly, from the perspective of women of the Synod

The upcoming Assembly of the Synod of Bishops promises to be an extraordinary event involving 85 women, 54 of whom will have the right to vote. This scenario of inclusiveness represents a significant step towards full collaboration between women and men within the Church.

As part of its ongoing Synodality and Women project, the World Women's Observatory (WWO) of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO), will organise on September 13th and 14th a cycle of three preparatory webinars entitled "Let Us Prepare for the Assembly in Dialogue with the Women of the Synod."

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World Women's Observatory Workshop in Tanzania

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The participants of the workshop, with Dr. Dorothy Gwajima, the Tanzanian Minister of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups, at the center. PH@PatoCaruso

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, recently concluded the second workshop organised by the World Women's Observatory (WWO), aptly titled “African Network against Violence and Discrimination of Women. First steps”. 

The four-day event, scheduled from July 3rd to July 6th, 2023, with the participation of 26 lay organisations, 27 congregations and 5 religious conferences representing 22 countries, fulfilled expectations of being a key meeting for empowering women and initiating a positive change. During this transformative event, the Observatory presented the initial results of its activities in Africa and shed light on existing best practices.

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Día Internacional Mujer 2023

"Women's Voices: Global Perspectives”


to celebrate International Women's Day -


8 March 2023.

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International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

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The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking takes place every year on February 8th, the day in which we celebrate the liturgical memory of St. Bakhita, the Sudanese nun who as a child had the dramatic experience of being kidnapped and enslaved and became the universal symbol of the Church's commitment against trafficking.

It is promoted by the International Unions of Superiors and Superiors General. The coordination of the network of partners and adherents is entrusted to Talitha Kum, the international network founded by the UISG and committed against trafficking in persons.

“Journeying in dignity” is the theme of the 9th Edition of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, celebrated on the 8th of February 2023.

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Women Building a Culture of Encounter Interreligiously

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The World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations, in collaboration with the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, is carrying out an International Conference entitled “Women Building a Culture of Encounter Interreligiously” to be held in Rome, 25-27 January 2023.

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Over 500 people from 74 countries participate in the "Conversations in the Spirit"

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The WUCWO School for Synodality: The mission of women in the Synodal Church has crossed oceans, reaching countries such as Mauritius, East Timor or Guatemala with a participation of 526 women and men from 74 countries. In preparation for the second session of the Assembly of the Synod of Synodality to be held in Rome in October of this year and in order to continue walking together with the whole Church, in the synodal process initiated in 2021, the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO),  with its World Women's Observatory (WWO) and in collaboration with the Ignatian Encounter Ministry, organised a series of "Conversations in the Spirit" on 23 April, with a high level of participation.

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School for Synodality: Conversations in the Spirit

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The World Women's Observatory (WWO) of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO), in the framework of our School of Synodality, invites you to participate in the "Conversations in the Spirit to be held next 23 April".

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The "WUCWO School for Synodality: The Mission of Women in the Synodal Church" is launched


Panelists of the 4 February webinars, participants of the Synodal Assembly

The "WUCWO School for Synodality", an initiative of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (WUCWO) organised through its World Women's Observatory (WWO), began on 27, 28 and 29 February, in order to make known and put into practice the synodal methodology through different events. This first meeting began with four webinars whose main objective was to report on the progress of the synodal process, share experiences with synodal mothers, learn about the official documents of the Synod, deepen some proposals and look to the future with a synodal perspective.

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WUCWO's School for Synodality

Save the date feb landscape ENGOn February 27, 28, and 29, WUCWO begins its School for Synodality, organised through its World Women's Observatory (WWO). This school will start with some webinars:

  • The first will be in Spanish, on February 27, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Rome time. Register here;
  • the second in French, on February 28, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Rome time. Register here;
  • the third in English, on February 29, from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Rome time. Register here;
  • and the fourth also in English, on February 29, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Rome time. Register here

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