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26 January 2022 - Day of prayer for Ukraine

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Dear friends,

We share the invitation of Pope Francis for today 26.01.2022 and CA Ukraine information about the situation in their country.

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One minute for Peace 2021

UMPP 2021 ENGOn June 8th at 1 pm, we invite everyone: Catholics, Christians of different denominations, believers of the many religions, men and women of goodwill, to get together to pray and work for peace all over the world, especially in Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians and in Myanmar.

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The Pope Video - February 2021

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For the month of February, the Pope has decided to pray for women who are victims of violence. Luckily this monthly intention is in line with our 3rd resolution "LET US ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN", which we have adopted for this year's prayer intention and WUCWO Day.

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Pope's prayer intention - October 2020

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Prayer intention for evangelization ‐ The Laity’s Mission in the Church.  

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en UMPP 2020




For June 8, 2020 it’s up to us, even in this time of the Pandemic!

Once again, we share with FIAC the One Minute for Peace campaign.

It’s about:

  • Motivating and suggesting to all those who care about peace, believers and non-believers alike, a minute of prayer or silence.
  •  An invitation to pray by oneself or with other people, in safety, in our homes or in our places of work or study.
  •  To plan a celebration at home, in a place of prayer or a meeting in an open space

In the difficult situation we are living because of the pandemic, what does it mean to pray, to stop for a minute for peace? What does it mean to nurture hope?

  • Peace is a great and precious value, the object of our hope and the aspiration of the entire human family. As a human attitude, our hope for peace is marked by an existential tension that makes it possible for the present, with all its difficulties, to be “lived and accepted if it leads towards a goal, if we can be sure of this goal, and if this goal is great enough to justify the effort of the journey”.  Hope is thus the virtue that inspires us and keeps us moving forward, even when obstacles seem insurmountable.

(from the message on the 1st January 2020 World Day of Peace)

Prayer of the Rosary every first Saturday of the month


Dear friends,

at this very special time, the WUCWO Executive Committee and I would like to propose a ROSARY to be prayed ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, which will keep us particularly united in prayer as WUCWO women during this pandemic.

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WUCWO joined the Pope

Papa Indulgenza Plenaria 27 marzo 2020 Covid19

From all continents, we joined the Pope in the extraordinary moment of prayer in this time of pandemics, last March 27th, in St. Peter's Square. It was a historical event in which Pope Francis united all humanity in his prayer and granted, to all those who wished it, the immense gift of the plenary indulgence.

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President General's video message against Trafficking


Video message of our President General for the 8th of February 2020, International Day of prayer and awareness against Human Trafficking.


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vigilia preghiera

8 February 2020: Prayer vigil against Human Trafficking.

Prayer vigil organized by the International Coordination Committee of the IDPAAHT. 

One minute for Peace 2019

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ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE 2019: on June 8 at 1 p.m. we take up the appeal of the Document on “Human fraternity for world peace and living together” signed in Abu Dhabi on february 2019 by Pope Francis and by the Great Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb. 

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One Minute for Peace 2018

EN UMPP 2018

The “One Minute for Peace” initiative was launched by the International Forum Catholic Action (IFCA), the Argentinian Catholic Action, the Italian Catholic Action, the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) and others, for the first time on June 6, 2014 at 1 pm, in support of the “Invocation for Peace” meeting, promoted by Pope Francis on June 8 in the Vatican Gardens together with the President of Israel (Simon Peres), the President of the Palestinian Authority (Maḥmūd ʿAbbās – Abu Mazen), and the Patriarch of Constantinople (Bartholomew I).

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