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III Meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean

Immagine donne Grecia

With great joy, after two and a half years of communicating digitally, we can start again with face-to-face reunions: by the grace of God, we are organising the Third Meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean, open to all WUCWO women who wish to participate, in Rafina, Athens, Greece, from 7 to 10 October 2022.

The Prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, has encouraged us and gives us his blessing for the realisation of this meeting. The Bishop of the Greek-Byzantine rite of Athens, Mgr Nin, and our organisation, the Association of Greek Catholic Women, are waiting for us in Greece with open arms.

It is a great moment to develop together the theme “Women Builders of Peace in a Church which Goes Forth”. We will also be able to advance in formation for our pastoral action at the local level for the family and the role of women in the Church. As we did in Amman, Jordan (2013) and in Bari, Italy (2016), we will have the possibility to listen to and learn from women engaged in their local churches.

It will also be an exceptional moment to show and share what each of our organisations is doing - there will be small tables where we will showcase projects and products, and sell some of them - and talk about collaborative action among member organisations.

All this and much more in a synodal atmosphere, where it will be possible to meet and talk with the future candidates for WUCWO President, who will be elected by the next Board at the Assisi Assembly in 2023.

Although the event will be held in the town of Rafina, Greece, at the Avra Hotel, there will be plenty of opportunity to get to know Athens and some of its wonders.

It is important to register before 30 June 2022 in order to be able to confirm reservations with the hotel. There is a quota of places already reserved which will be allocated as registrations come in. In the event of additional registrations, we will check with the hotel to see if there is availability.

Please find bellow the registration form.

For those who wish, an optional sightseeing tour can be arranged. Please find bellow the relative information.

After such a long time of not being able to meet face to face, I believe that the Holy Spirit is leading us to a meeting that prepares our General Assembly in Assisi, as if it were a “pre-assembly”, where the women of WUCWO can dream together of a renewed Church and WUCWO, hand in hand with Mary, Queen of Peace.

Looking forward to having you!

Registration form

Sightseeing tour




70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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President General participated in the International Congress organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Gregorian University on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, held on 10 and 11 December. Below you will find the link to the opening conference given by the Prefect of the Dicastery, H.E. Cardinal Peter K. Appiah Turkson.

Cardinal Turkson: Marking 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man



* Towards a new evangelization of the international political life

by Fermina Alvarez Alonso

We are living in a particularly important moment for the Church, a time marked by the need for a “new evangelization” ad intra and ad extra. Even though some claim that the term “new evangelization” eeds further clarification, it is clear enough that the world needs a new, fresh way of thinking: a credible, oherent witness on the part of Christians. We hand on what we believe (i.e., evangelization ad extra), and the intensity of our belief demonstrates, in one way or another, the authenticity of our Christian lives (i.e., evangelization ad extra). To give impetus to these two dimensions, the Holy Father has chosen to dedicate the next Synod of Bishops – to take place in October of 2012 – to a reflection on the intensity with which the People of God live and proclaim their faith.

Read more ...

* Important document released at the UN On October 6, 2011, an expert document was issued at United Nations, New York: the San José Articles.

The San Jose Articles provide expert testimony that there is no such thing as an ‘international right to abortion’, contrary to what UN personnel and others say and many people think. This document provides us with a tool to help us refute these claims and to assert the rights of the unborn child in international law.

See: http://www.sanjosearticles.com/ and diffuse this information widely to your members, organisations and governments.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


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On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, WUCWO joined with this statement all International Organizations that work tirelessly for the elimination of violence against women.


The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, established in 1999 by the United Nations Assembly, reminds every 25 November the unavoidable commitment for all, public and private institutions, associations and movements to continue in every context the reflection and awareness to defeat the rampant and very deplorable phenomenon of violence against women.

On this day, we all say, civil society, institutions and associations, STOP VIOLENCE ON WOMEN, with demonstrations, debates and conferences. But it is not enough. We need a strong ethical movement to break the subculture of "possession"; we need to break the silence, we need that women do not underestimate and do not hide the first signs of danger to avoid the "crescendo" that leads to irreparable acts.

On the occasion of the anniversary of 25 November, our associations and organisations, always attentive to children and women, advocate investing more attention and energy in the prevention of all phenomena of violence, including those that are generated and carried out in the family and that also affect children, often direct and passive victims of this same violence.

Only an education in the respect for the person and a capillary work against every stereotype, together with a clear and strong institutional policy against violence, can help our society to progress in humanity. It is a question of resuming a broad cultural work on the value of the human person, especially where it is weakest; it is necessary to resume, with a contemporary vision, the project of promotion and spiritual, social and political growth of women.

Throughout history, women have fought for equal dignity and equal rights as men, their fellow human beings. Despite having achieved significant results in terms of democratic participation and equal opportunities, even today, unfortunately, acts of violence are still perpetrated every day and there are still many forms of discrimination (work, social life, politics), prejudices and stereotypes. We therefore believe it is necessary and urgent, on the one hand, to take up, with real commitment, educational programmes for non-violence and respect for the other and, on the other, to provide adequate family support and innovative legislative and social policy instruments that contribute to a better harmonisation between family life and the personal and working life of women.

Our Associations and organizations are committed to strengthening networking with all stakeholders at the local level, aware that the more intense and common will be the sense of responsibility, the greater will be the effectiveness to break down and eliminate the social scourge of violence against women.

In memory of all the women who are victims of violence, war and poverty, of women forced to flee their countries, of women who have died with their children, of women who are victims of trafficking, our Associations and organisations committed to the social, civil and cultural promotion of women everywhere, starting with the family, call on the institutions responsible to put all the rules to combat violence against women into practice.

We also hope that more and more in the life of the Country and in the Church, we can promote the presence of women as desired by Pope Francis: "there is still we need to create still broader opportunities for a more incisive female presence in the Church. Because «the feminine genius is needed in all expressions in the life of society, the presence of women must also be guaranteed in the workplace» and in the various other settings where important decisions are made, both in the Church and in social structures" (EG 103).


WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations)

ACLI (Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani)

Azione Cattolica Italiana

Centro Italiano Femminile

API-COLF (Associazione Professionale Italiana Collaboratori Familiari)

Confederazione Italiana dei Consultori Familiari di Ispirazione Cristiana

Coordinamento nazionale donne CISL

Fondazione Beato Federico Ozanam - San Vincenzo De Pauli 

Women's Voice Subscription

Women’s Voice
WUCWO official newsletter.
3 issues each year
To keep informed of our activities, important issues for women, and related news of the Church.

Resolutions adopted at the 2023 General Assembly




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WUCWO and its Member Organisations will consolidate, develop and extend the World Women´s Observatory, according to available resources, to reach all regions of the world, as an appropriate mechanism to regularly listen to and give visibility to as many women as possible, especially the most vulnerable, to help transform their lives by generating pastoral strategies, NGO synergies, public policies and contributions to the international agenda. The Observatory will be a permanent project of WUCWO until an Assembly decides otherwise.



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Religious freedom is a fundamental human right. It is an integral part of the culture of every people and is part of the dignity of every person. Therefore, WUCWO and its Organisations are committed to:

- raise awareness of the richness of welcoming differences and valuing them with the joy of being brothers and sisters, children of the one God;

- promote the defence of a broad right to religious freedom;

- work for non-discrimination;

- denounce violations of religious freedom or persecution, and;

- encourage interfaith and interreligious activities and channels of dialogue for serene, orderly and peaceful coexistence, weaving bonds of universal fraternity (conf. FT 279).



eco conversion

WUCWO women must work to redress current global food crisis and restore equality of distribution and the protection of and respect for all women and children, encouraging a responsible consumption, reducing food loss and waste to address hunger globally.

We must lobby Governments and donors to supply funding for food, nutrition, protection, education and livelihood support, and urge federal and local governments to enact legislation that provides the fundamental principles and rights for delivering food security and nutrition to all through the reduction of food loss and waste and to support the development of new technologies that reduce food loss and waste by addressing marketing, food processing systems and the management of food quality.

WUCWO women must get involved in the urgent call to action enunciated in the Laudato Si Encyclical in connection with environmental and climate change issues, with advocacy and urging all to embrace ecological conversion, to recycle and to reduce individual environmental/carbon foot print.



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In response to Pope Francis call to take up with renewed conviction the journey of family love and following the theme of the X World Meeting of Families: “Family Love: a vocation and a path to holiness”, WUCWO and its Member Organisations will promote programs that:

- support the development of young people to help them discover the vocation and joy of marriage and of motherhood and fatherhood as a lifetime commitment;

- accompany matrimonies at different stages of preparation for marriage and married life and encourage families to become examples of fraternity and places of hope for people in need.



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In response to Pope Francis' invitation to engage in "Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees" through a concrete proximity that reflects God's gaze on them, WUCWO, its Member Organisations and their International Representatives shall:

- encourage actions for the Church to: welcome, protect, accompany, promote and integrate migrants and refugees;

- promote volunteering in favour of refugees, asylum seekers and the most vulnerable migrants;

- make the deaths visible that occur during irregular migration and human trafficking;

- seek to advocate for countries to seek new alternatives to the legal category of "refugee".




WUCWO and its Organisations will promote:

- the formation of women so that, through "spiritual, intellectual and pastoral" conversion, listening, discernment, dialogue and action, they may assume the leading role that corresponds to them in the construction of the Church, so that men and women, priests, consecrated and laity, "walk" together to make Synodality and their participation in different decision-making bodies in the Church possible.

- the formation and participation of women to assume leadership and responsibilities, from their youth, in the search for the common good, in the social, political and religious spheres, being promoters of a culture of life and care that fosters peace and universal brotherhood, working, hand in hand with men, to change the mentality of the prevailing culture and being witnesses of holiness.