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Extraordinary Synod of the Family

Logo Synode FamilleWe are delighted to note that the member of our Board from South Korea, Dr. Helen Kyung Soo Kwon will be serving as an advisor to this Extraordinay Synod. Also present will be Jeanette Touré, President of our member organisation from the Cote d'Ivoire and a candidate for the Board and the Past President of our member organisation from Italy and his wife Francesco Miano and Giuseppina De Simone

For the complete list click here (in Italian)

World Day of Peace (January 1st)

paloma blanca simbolo paz"Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters" will be the title of the Message for the 48th World Day of Peace, the second of the papacy of Pope Francis.

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Church as defender of immigrants and refugees

IMAGE WEB   migrantsKeynote Address by His Eminence Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and President of Caritas Internationalis at the National Migration Conference, Washington D.C.,July 7, 2014

Thank you for the introduction and the warm welcome and thank you for this wonderful invitation to talk about something which affects us all – migration...

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Pope Francis' speech about the marriage

web image mariageDear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning.

Today we conclude the series of catecheses on the Sacraments by speaking about Matrimony. This Sacrament leads us to the heart of God’s design, which is a plan for a Covenant with his people, with us all, a plan for communion...

"Holy See to UN: No Need to Reinvent the Wheel; Family Is Solution to Poverty"

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The Pope urges action against human trafficking

Vatican City, 5 March 2014 (VIS) – Pope Francis has sent a message to the faithful in Brazil on the occasion of the annual Lenten “Fraternity Campaign”, which this year takes on the theme of “Brotherhood and human trafficking”, and whose slogan will be “For freedom Christ has set us free”.

The pope writes a letter to families asking them to pray for the next synod



“Dear families,

With this letter, I wish, as it were, to come into your homes to speak about an event which will take place at the Vatican this coming October. It is the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which is being convened to discuss the theme of “pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization”.





Pope Francis met The Italian Women’s Centre

LOGO CIF member Italy(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis earlier today met with participants at a national conference sponsored by the Italian Women’s Centre, which is due to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its foundation in October of this year.

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