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Addiction prevention for a life with a future



A questionnaire on different kinds of addictions was carried out by the Family Working Group to shed some light over this concerning issue. Please find below a summary of the responses and statistics received by different WUCWO Organisations that shared their knowledge and testimony on the topic of addictions. We thank Maribeth Stewart, our Vicrepresident General, for this initiative.

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WUCWO’s organisations working against human trafficking

human trafficking final

Click on this link to read more about WUCWO organizations' initiatives against human trafficking.

Interview with the Vice President for Europe on Vatican Radio

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On World Water Day, an interview with Vice President for Europe, Araceli Cavero Pérez, was broadcast on Vatican Radio on the occasion of the drinking water well that Manos Unidas, at the request of WUCWO, helped to build through CUDAFCS in the small Muslim community of Keur Mbar, Senegal.

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International Day of Prayer Against Human Trafficking 2018

migration without trafficking

February 8th will be the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking: Migration without Trafficking.

Check the website: http://preghieracontrotratta.org/?lang=en




"Migration and Trafficking": Study Seminar in Rome, 28 November 2017

talitha kum seminario

WUCWO collaborates with Talitha Kum to the organisation of a Study Seminar to be held in Rome at Università LUMSA (Borgo Sant'Angelo 13) on 28 November 2017.

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WUCWO work against Human Trafficking - Summary 2017

EUROPE: European regional conference in 2008 organised in cooperation with Caritas and USMI, in Verona (Italy). A call to the European Parliament was launched to unify the anti-trafficking strategies connected with the sexual exploitation of women and children.

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Family and Human Trafficking

Photo HT mother child

 Please find below a report by our Vice-President General, Maribeth Stewart, on human trafficking and the family.

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Water well in Senegal

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In July 2017, Virginia Pastor, Administrative assistant, together with Monique Faye, Board member for Senegal, and other WUCWO women, visited the small Muslim community of Keur Mbar, in the rural heart of Senegal, where, thanks to WUCWO’s work of coordination and the financing by Manos Unidas, a well of drinking water, based on solar energy, and a water tower were built. In addition to that, a drip irrigation system will be completed. During the visit, a mango plantation was done in the village that will be irrigated with water from the well. One of these plants was placed by Virginia and "baptised" with her name by the Chief of the village. Before that, people living in the village had to walk 10 kilometres to obtain drinking water.

See pictures below

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30th July 2017: World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Banner web July 30 2


Many different organisations, committed to working against trafficking in persons, unite in a joint declaration to call attention to this subject. They call on governments and civic organisations to unite and to increase their commitment to reduce this crime, especially among the migrant population, asylum seekers and refugees who are the in most vulnerable situations and among the principal groups subjected to trafficking in persons.

We invite you to:

· read the declaration and publish it on social media

· publish the banner on Facebook

· dedicate a time of prayer, or a minute of silence to remember the victims of trafficking. If you wish you can download the prayer from the website of the world day of prayer and reflection against trafficking, which is available in different languages on the website: http://preghieracontrotratta.org/?lang=en

· send this declaration to other governmental and non-governmental organisations in your country who are also committed to anti-trafficking.


Below, you can read the declaration.

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International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

WUCWO, as a member of the committee for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, presented the theme of February 8, 2017: "They are children! Not slaves!".


A light against human trafficking

February 8 is the International Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking. We invite you to join in our prayer. Click here for more information.

Resolutions adopted at the 2010 General Assembly

1.  End the Use of Information Technology in Sexual Exploitation of Children
2.   Promote a Covenant between Human Beings and the Environment
3.   Rescue the Children of the Street
4.   Campaign for a Culture of Life
5.   Work to Abolish Forced Marriage
6.   Strengthen Training of Catholic Leaders
7.   Defend and Support Migrants
8.   Commit to Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue
9.   Produce a Statistical Evaluation of Poverty According to Sex
10. Prevent Inappropriate Sexualisation of Children
11. Mobilise to Halt Infanticide
12. Reaffirm the Family Unit

Resolutions adopted at the 2006 General Assembly

1.   Day of prayer for sexually abused
2.   Education (Children)
3.   Girls and boys at risk
4.   Commitment to democracy
5.   The woman saves the environment
6.   Solidarity in globalization
8.   Ratification of international Covenant on Death Penalty
9.   Campaigning against Manufacture, Storage,
10. Trading and use of weapons
11. Improving the Women’s economic situation
12. The family
13. End of trafficking of children