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Resolutions adopted at the 2001 General Assembly

1.   Safe drinking water
2.   Cloning
3.   Sexual Exploitation of Children
4.   Trafficking of women and girls
5.   Violence against women
6.   Women and sexual violence
7.   Women and decision making
8.   Child Protection
9.   Eucharist and Divorced and Remarried
10. Inclusive Language
11. Ecumenism and Interreligious dialogue
12. Family
13. Same sex Couples
14. Fair Trade

Mary Queen of Peace Prayer

Marie, Reine de la Paix 0

©Diane Andraska


Mary, Queen of Peace,

Patroness of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations

O Loving God, your Son, Jesus Christ, came into the world to do your Will and leave us His Peace.  Through the intercession and example of our Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, grant us the wisdom and humility to reflect that peace to the world. Inspire our thoughts, words and deeds to bear witness to your presence in our hearts.  May your Holy Spirit fill us with every grace and blessing so that we may pursue what leads to peace for all humanity. Amen

Hymn to Mary, Queen of Peace

Sung to the tune of Amazing Grace


Most gracious Mary, Queen of Peace

Embrace us with your love;

May our desires sincerely be

To praise our God above.

Implore for us the Spirit’s gifts

To follow in your way;

Let wisdom and humility

Guide all we do and say.

In confidence we witness Christ

Whose truth has set us free

May we pursue what leads to peace

For all humanity.

WUCWO's Annual Intentions

Each year, WUCWO proposes to its member organisations a prayer related to one of the resolutions in force.


intenzione 2021 ENG

(This is the signal designed for victims of domestic violence to ask for help in these times of isolation at home
while they are on a video call with someone that could help them.

PRAYER FOR RESOLUTION #3: Let Us Eliminate Violence and Discrimination Against Women.

Dear Lord,

We pray for all touched by the evil of violence:

For the victim survivors;

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Intention 2020

family walking on path 1682497PRAYER FOR RESOLUTION #2: Let Us Take Care of the Family in Difficult Situations.


For those deprived of their human rights,
Of freedom to practice their religion, of freedom to live in peace, of freedom to pursue their chosen vocation, of their basic human needs:
that they may receive the dignity God intends for all persons;
We pray to the Lord:

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Intention 2019


A healthy planet depends on all of us 2019

Oh God our Father, we call on you to send your Holy Spirit to inspire us to care for our beloved planet in a way that protects our waterways, oceans, flora and fauna and promotes sustainable human development that depends on these. We know that we are at times careless in these matters and we ask for your help to become more like Jesus Christ in our care for our wonderful home and world of nature as well as our compassion for our brothers and sisters who are most vulnerable. We recall that Jesus Christ will come at the end of time and we pray that He will find that we have been good stewards of creation.

We make this prayer through the same Christ our Lord.


Intentions 2015 - 2018

Corruption/General Assembly 2018

War, terrorism, corruption and the like seem far beyond our ability to make a difference. May God bless us with strength to stand in the way of injustice, oppression and exploitation, so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace. Bless all the women of the world who face an unjust global trade system as they struggle to feed their children to provide warmth and comfort, to bring hope and peace to the worl. May we strive to remove barriers and change systems. And as we prepare for our General Assembly, help us, as women of hope, to advocate, to persist, to do what we can, trusting that you will bring to completion every good work started in your name.



Suffering Women 2017

Lord, you call us to share your table and also your cross of anguish with our sisters whoa re suffering. We pray for all who are being abused, violated, oppressed, and in situations that deprive them of their dignity. We pray for mothers yearning for adequate, clean drinking water and proper sanitation, sufficient food and health care for their families. We pray for those struggling for survival, those brokem and alienated, refugees and visible minorities experiencing repeated discrimination, bearing the brunt of indifference and oppression. We pray for the day when women who are equal in ability have equal rights and can live in peace, joy and harmony. We ask all this with the hope that only You can provide.



Family and Youth 2016

During this Holy Year of Mercy, Lord, we pray for all families of the world and seek to bring the Gospel of mercy to each person. We pray for single mothers sacrificing to feed and clothe their children. Gaurd all newborns, guide the young and their vocations. Open our eyes to see the beauty and future in our youth; give us the ears to listen to their stories. Keep them safe from all addictions and free the victims of human trafficking. With the loving patronage of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family of Nazareth, the WUCWO women of hope pray that the family be a sanctuaty of peace, love and faith.



Dialogue 2015

We are all members of His body, the hands, the feet, the voice and face of Jesus. As we dialogue with out sisters and brothers in Christ, let us be open to them, sharing their joys and sorrows. Guide us as we learn from the wisdom of each other. Help us to accept others and their differences. Pope Francis tells us that dialogue is necessary for peace in the world. As women of hope and sowers of peace, in Jesus' name, we pray for that dialogue.




Cover landscape ENG

With great joy, we are pleased to inform you that, like every year, next May 13 we will celebrate WUCWO Day. This day represents a special occasion of union, prayer and celebration among all the organisations and people who are part of this great family.

We attach the proposed WUCWO Day liturgy so that each organisation has the freedom to celebrate it at the time they prefer, adapting it to their particular circumstances, although we recommend that the celebration be held around May 13. This year, the liturgy has been prepared by the African Region and we want to express our sincere gratitude to Evaline Malisa Ntenga, our Vice President for Africa, for her valuable collaboration in this process.

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WUCWO Day 2023

Copertina sito ENGThis year's WUCWO Day will be commemorated in a special way: WUCWO women are summoned to a private audience with Pope Francis on 13 May 2023 in the Vatican.

This will be a milestone in the rich history of WUCWO, this possibility given to us is the fruit of God’s tenderness towards us. Pope Francis will address a message to us that we are to listen to personally and then pass on to all Catholic women around the world.

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International celebration of the 2022 WUCWO Day

Nairobi 5

In Kenya, in the presence of 40 women from 24 WUCWO member organisations, 9 members of the Board and the President General, the Kenya Catholic Women's Association organised the WUCWO Day.

The celebration was presided over by Bishop Joseph Mwongela, at Ngong Cathedral, with the theme: “Let us respond to the call to holiness”. Delegations from the dioceses of the country participated and with their wonderful dances, songs and prayers enhanced this day of celebration.

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WUCWO Day 2022

Copertina WUCWO Day 2022 ENG

Please find below the proposal for our WUCWO Day 2022, which has been drawn up by the Region of Asia-Pacific.

A special thanks goes to Catherine McGrath, Regional Vice President for Asia-Pacific.

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